March 25, 2008

Emma Victorious Victory

Babe i love you xxxxxxxx

Em you really do mean so much to me.

I know you will read this here.. You being such a greta blogger and all.

Missy.. you are a true friend xxxxxxxxxx

Since it is a current topic

The notion of long-term-romantic love has seemingly given way to a more non –committal, casual type relationship. It seems we are saying goodbye to ‘till death do us apart’ by dipping in sporadic flings and phrases such as ‘I love you’ have divulged into ‘I love you… for now’.
Old ideals are being discarded – not just in the sense that a white wedding dress does not still hold the same value that it once did- but it seems we are also saying goodbye to the declaration of undying love for another; Goodbye to the ideology of one marriage; Marriage till the end, until death.
Casual sexual encounters are embarked on at a (more than) common rate. This swapping, sharing and changing brings with it a life-style where one does not have to remain in a relationship unless they are, themselves, gaining what they wish from it. This is a relationship in which one can fulfill their immediate wishes with no strings attached.
This here poses the question (a question I remember once asked by Carrie on Sex and the city): Are women turning into men……..? Well yes, if they so desire- then why the hell not? Women can now view and act in ways traditionally thought of as a males behaviour. Now I do not mean this in a way that implies that women are all sluts that sleep around. What I am saying is that women can now exercise their freedom of choice, can act in more equivalence to the male and not be so judged harsher than a male would. A more equal society – much more, ah, let’s maybe say, satisfied human beings.
In a now forever moving, fast paced, relatively boundary-less society – I suppose this just follows through as natural. As Convenient, yeah?

It was once thought by the female that marriage was essential for maintaining security. Marriage and motherhood were patriarchally ordered to ensure that the life of the woman in marriage would reside within the private sphere. In light of this I would like to solicit another answer from you Carrie Bradshaw, as paradoxical as it may have once originally sounded, I want to ask…
Are we now quite potentially seeing the death of marriage?


Goodbye my Pa,

I hope you are in peace now.

I love you as i always have and always will xx

Oh threre is no use

Oh there is no use in loving the dying
I have tried.
I have tried but you can’t,
you just can’t guard the dead.
You are the watchman and you
can’t keep the gate shut.

-Anne Sexton, “Letter to Dr. Y,” 1964

March 10, 2008

Goodbye to male antelopes and eagles..

The spotted hyena...

Hyenas are 'massive bone-crucnching beasts'.
The female hyena secretes more testosterone than the male hyena. She therefore produces bigger muscles and more aggression. Her masculinised private parts make it 'supremely difficult' to tell the sex of a hyena.

The female hyena is socially dominant to the male hyena.

The wild sex - reversal system of the hyena makes these animals a fascination in study... and to myself. Go the female hyena!

She is now my favourite animal!

- Saplosky (2004) Testosterone Rules.

The Hyena

My Cooch

There are few days in the year that I truly fear the arrival of. They are all anniversary related. I do not want you to be sad nor disappointed that something associated with you is the cause of my pain. Similarly I know I feel the same thing vice versa– therefore I am trying not to give value to this day as I plan to give value and thought to your birthday; Your birth - date shall be celebrated rather than your death antagonised over.
Time, as it seems has stood still since I last saw you.
Time however has passed, I have grown. I’m so sad and sorry that you have not.

I love you Cooch. Rest in peace my big brother.

Your sister Shel xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx